Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Step-Dad, husband, Alien

I am slowly getting used to my new status. Not just of being a legal alien, but also of being a husband and a step dad.

I remember the moment I realised that I had become a Dad. It was the 2nd incident in the space of 3 days and I was struck by lightening bolt that I was a Dad and was displaying dad-like behaviour. The 1st incident was at a friends 30th party. She had hired a huge house in the country and around 30 people were there. I was stood next to the stereo and someone asked me to turn it down so that they could make a speech. I looked everywhere for the volume control, and when that failed I looked everywhere for the stop button. Finding neither I had to pull the plug on the whole stereo. I was a little upset that I didn't seem to understand how technology works, but thought no more of it.

The second incident was whilst at work on a training course. I had to use the video recorder and just couldn't get it to work. I had never had any problems before but suddenly I had turned into my Dad and was just uselessly pointing the remote at the machine and pressing all the buttons. Nothing was working. I had to get someone from the training centre to show me, and of course it had to be a 16 year old kid on work experience who came and solved it for me. As he left I am sure I heard him mutter "grandad" under his breath at me.

Now I am to be a Dad as well as the other titles. We had our ultra-sound done two weeks ago and we are having a girl. We are choosing a name so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated although my preference for Geoffrey has already been vetoed. It is amazing how quickly this is all going to come about. We are due on 7 January 2007, but Jen was 3 weeks early with Emma so there is a good chance she will be early with baby Geoffrey (if I keep using it then it may stick). And because we waited until we had heard the baby's heartbeat at 13 weeks then suddenly you realise that although we have known for around 21 weeks noone else has, and so half of the pregnancy has gone by.

By the way for those of you that care Geoffrey looked like a pasty on her ultra-sound picture. I knew it was a bloody pie of sorts.


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