My heart in San Francisco
I realise that there aren’t that many jokes in all of this, so please stick with me. Ellie was transported to San Francisco by ambulance, but there wasn’t enough room for Jen & I so we drove down. Now the Children’s Hospital in San Francisco is at the top of a very steep hill and when we driving to it we were sacred for our lives, because half way up this hill you have to stop at a Stop sign, and then you have to try and get going again without rolling back to the car that is behind you.
We successfully navigated our way there, and went to see Ellie who was all settled into her Pediatric Cardiology Intensive Care Unit. Now by this time we were used to what would happen, the nurses would do all the work and then the Doctors come strolling in like rock stars and give you the diagnosis and tell the nurses what to do. Also the Dr’s would ask us the same questions that everyone else had asked us, so much so that we started answering questions before they have even been asked.
Hats off to them though, everyone we met was great and put us at ease and talked us through everything is a way that we could understand them.
Ellie had her procedure on Thursday 4 January and everything went better than expected. So we are now home and Ellie is slowly gaining weight and is certainly more awake than she used to be. We have to go and see the cardiologist once a week but at least this is in Sacramento. My work have been very understanding and have allowed me as much time as I need, but I finally accepted defeat and came back to work on Wednesday. I had to take yesterday off to go with Jen and Ellie to the cardiologist, but am back today.
Ellie will need open heart surgery at some point but we don’t know when. She has some other minor problems but I don’t want to go into all that and bore you anymore than I need to. She is beautiful (I am biased) and we are confident that everything will be ok.
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