The hospital tour went well, we got to see where all the action will take place, and they had a good cafeteria which is obviously important to me. They also had a TV and a video player so I will be well entertained while Jen is getting on with what ever she needs to do.
Of course I am joking I will be very involved throughout, giving support, massaging and generally encouraging. I am very worried that I will cry once the bump comes into the world, as I am a deeply emotional person, I once cried at a Ground Force episode for goodness sake!
Tonight have yet another doctor’s appointment. These are great from the aspect that we get to hear the babies heartbeat, but we are usually done in 5 minutes, and are normally kept waiting about 20, so it is a bit boring waiting around for the doc, but I guess worth it in the end.
As we get closer to the event the more I realise that I have absolutely no control over this event and it could come at any time. I have to keep my mobile with me at all times, which is not something I am particularly good at (as most of the readers will be able to attest). My work want to know when I am going to take time off but there is just no way of knowing when the baby is going to come, maybe the appointment tonight will shed some light. Also the prize is fantastic so anyone that wants to submit a late prediction please do so now.