Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby update

Ok a baby update. We are now 34 weeks and 5 days into this pregnancy. Jen has gained a mere 12 pounds. The main reason for such a little gain is that she has developed gestational diabetes so she has had to cut out all sweet and sugary things. She has to eat at certain times and can only eat a certain amount of carbohydrates. This has meant that we have had a lot more doctors visits as they want to make sure that the baby is growing, has enough fluids and that Jen is also doing ok.

Things are fine. The baby is estimated to be already 6lbs 12 oz which means that this is going to be a nice healthy baby. Ellie was 7lbs 4oz and Emma was 7lbs 14 and both of them arrived in the 37th week, so we may have as little as 2 and a half weeks to go.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's the economy, stupid

It’s been a while since I updated this so I am going to splurge (there’s a word that should be used more often) all the details in one go.

The Burr’s have bought a 2nd car. A beast of a bus, to transport the Burr Brood around. Now I always swore I would never get myself a people carrier, and I was equally adamant that I wouldn’t buy an American car. American cars have lower safety scores and worse mileage than almost any other car around. The American government deliberately keeps safety tests at a low level as they feel that high safety tests are unfair and a restriction of free-trade. They don’t care that it would be a restriction of my life. Seatbelt wearing is still a source of some debate with some states not enforcing the law as it is seen as the government legislating where they are not needed. However, in recent years European and Japanese cars have been out selling their American counterparts for the very reason that consumers want better fuel economy and people actually value their lives. This coupled with the fact that you can get these safety features and better mileage for about the same price has played havoc with the car manufacturers here who are scrambling to catch up.

So back to my story. With these convictions in mind I am sure you will not be surprised to learn that we bought a 7 seat mini-van (people carrier) from Chevrolet. Hey if you are going to compromise go big. Emma loves it as it has a DVD player in it. Ellie loves it because she thinks it is edible (she currently thinks everything is edible) and Jen loves it because we can get the whole family in it as well as our luggage. All these factors mean that I love it because everyone else is happy.

The economy here is in a terrible state. California is facing a massive budget deficit because they had banked on getting revenue from house sales. However, house sales have slowed down dramatically. The house sales slowing has meant that houses have stopped being built which in turn has led to lay-offs from the housing industry. This has meant more people out of work, not being able to pay their mortgages, which has led to banks having more foreclosed homes, which they can’t sell because people aren’t buying houses. This means the banks are now looking at loans more closely and also they aren’t getting their money back. As noted above consumers are trying to buy products that are cheaper and/or safer, petrol has risen sharply which has a knock on effects on food and other retail goods prices because it is now more expensive to transport the goods. I think you get the picture. With out going into too many more details and this turning into the Economist website things aren’t too good. So the solution from President Bush? He is giving 130 million households in the US $600 to kick start the economy. Yes a whopping $600 to increase consumer spending. Now I can see a few flaws with that the 1st being that most manufactured goods get imported from China so in fact if people buy more goods, no jobs will be created in the US but will be created overseas. Secondly $600 isn’t that much and it won’t allow people to buy the kind of products that Bush wants them to buy namely houses, cars, TV’s. Thirdly the majority of the money will probably be swallowed up by payments to credit card companies as credit debt is at an all time high.

Ok that is enough for now. We have another scan for the baby today so more tomorrow (hopefully).

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Found this and wanted to publish it

A video of Ellie learning to eat. She learnt from her Dad!

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go

The bags are packed and by the door. Jen has been having the odd contraction; it seems the baby is just a few weeks away. Things have been so different this time; there hasn’t been the same level of unknown worry that I felt the last time. But every now and again, I realise that in a short few weeks (official due date is April 28th) we are going to have another little person that we a responsible for. Jen has started to practice her breathing techniques, and she finds it helps block out the pain of some of the terrible performances that we have witnessed on American Idol recently.

Happy St Piran's Day to you all

Hope you have a pasty filled day.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Ever going to change?

I like to bore Jen by talking about football with her. I have no one else here that is a) interested or b) will actually listen. Jen is not interested but because she loves me she is willing to listen to me go on about football. Also I tend to start talking about it when I am in the car so she has no obvious escape path.

Yesterday I was taking great pleasure in explaining that my team were 4th in the league and could well hold out and beat their city rivals Liverpool to the last Champions League place. Jen pointed out that Everton seemed to have done quite well over the last couple of seasons (I knew she had been listening) in fact ever since I had left the country. That kept me quiet for the rest of the journey.

I sometimes wished I supported a very successful team. It must be a great feeling watching the game absolutely convinced that you will win. The start of the season would be full of the expectation of winning a cup or two as well as the league. Supporting Everton is not like that. At the beginning of each season, I am always praying that we win at least one of our 1st 5 games. The next goal is to try and get to 40 points as quickly as possible to ensure that we will not get relegated. As I write this Everton are 4th having earned 53 points, and seem to be pushing hard for a European place. However, I am just happy that we are going to be safe from relegation this year. I have found in the past that if I expect very little from Everton, I will not be disappointed. I guess it could be worse…I could follow Newcastle United.