
Whatever happened to Nick Berry? He had a fantastic voice, and could act the pants of a statue. But I digress. Yesterday we went to the Dr’s and got to hear the heart beat of our next child. It was amazing even though we had gone through it with Ellie it is still one of the greatest sounds I have ever heard. Everything seems to be progressing nicely, we do have a load more tests to go as they want to make sure that this baby doesn’t have the same problems as Ellie did, but we are so happy that everything is going ok at the moment.
What with the new house I haven’t been able to write much, and also Facebook seems to be taking over my life. There is a game on their called Attack which is basically Risk – and I have a problem with it – I’m bloody addicted. I always liked Risk as a kid (oh and as an adult) it was always a good few hours of banter and mind games, and as I grew up alcohol got in the mix. The one down side is that it can take hours to play. Luckily I have an understanding wife who lets me play ONE game a night, but I think I may have to go cold turkey.
Apart from that all is well. We are slowly unpacking boxes and should have everything emptied by 2008. Hopefully. We took the girls trick or treating in Fairytale Town – pictures to follow, but Emma was a pirate, Ellie was the Sugar Plum Fairy, and I was grump man/ I was by far the most convincing.
What with the new house I haven’t been able to write much, and also Facebook seems to be taking over my life. There is a game on their called Attack which is basically Risk – and I have a problem with it – I’m bloody addicted. I always liked Risk as a kid (oh and as an adult) it was always a good few hours of banter and mind games, and as I grew up alcohol got in the mix. The one down side is that it can take hours to play. Luckily I have an understanding wife who lets me play ONE game a night, but I think I may have to go cold turkey.
Apart from that all is well. We are slowly unpacking boxes and should have everything emptied by 2008. Hopefully. We took the girls trick or treating in Fairytale Town – pictures to follow, but Emma was a pirate, Ellie was the Sugar Plum Fairy, and I was grump man/ I was by far the most convincing.